zum zum auê – collective of collectives

April - July 2022

DESPINA, with the support of the City Hall of Rio de Janeiro, through the Carioca Culture Promotion Program of the Municipal Department of Culture, is pleased to announce Zum Zum Auê – Collective of Collectives, a project in the field of arts and aesthetic-political activism designed to support, promote the work and the self-representation of collectives formed by bodies that are historically subordinated and their narratives erased, as people LGBTQIA+, Afro-descendants, indigenous people and women.
The project consists of a six-week residency program, between May ans June 2022, where four artist collectives, selected by open call and through a selection committee, will be part of an agenda that includes support for the practices of each group, collective activations and events open to the public.
Zum Zum Auê – Collective of Collectives has as main objectives:
– Support, strengthen and make visible the cultural production of collectives in Rio de Janeiro formed by historically subordinated bodies such as LGBTQI, black, indigenous and women;
– Encourage the formation of networks and exchanges among the collectives;
– Provide tools for the development of the practices of each collective through the Educative Programme;
– Share creative practices through public workshops proposed by the collectives;
– Present to the public the artistic work of relevant collectives in the Rio de Janeiro cultural scene;
– Create possibilities for public access to the backstage of creative processes;
– Make visible the practices and guidelines contained in the actions of the collectives and their members;
– Guarantee the continuity of the work of Despina and the professionals who are part of the Association’s network, expanding financial support to collectives of artists.

SELECTED COLLECTIVES: Anarca Filmes, Coletiva Ocultas, Slam das Minas RJ and Trovoa.

carnaval impossível

SATURDAY, 26.03.2022

Marina Lattuca, Mayara Velozo and Stefanie Ferraz, artists currently participating in Despina Residency Program, propose the activation of the space through a performance show with guest artists Alex Reis, Dani Câmara, Mila Marques, Sanguessuga, Shion, Luiza Casé and Pat Fudyda.

“Since the beginning of January, this possibility, or rather impossibility, of Carnival has been echoing. Is Carnival dead? Yes and no.
We don’t know for sure, but we do know that, if there is Carnival in February, if there is Carnival in April: Carnival in March is missing.
Carnival calls for performance. And performance calls for carnival.”

All welcome, free entry.


Date: Saturday, March 26, 2022

Time: 6pm to 10pm

Location: Despina. Rua Hermenegildo de Barros, 73. Santa Teresa, Rio de Janeiro

Mina Mana Mona

Ocupação e Feira Mina Mana Mona

Mina Mana Mona é um projeto de ocupação coletiva, por mulheres cis e trans, do espaço da Despina como ateliê de produção e de experimentações de convivência durante outubro e novembro de 2021. Propomos articular colaborações, cruzamentos, construções comunitárias, redes de afeto e de geração de renda. Mais do que uma proposição, Mina Mana Mona é um exercício. O projeto foi finalizado com uma feira de artes e ativismos com 17 expositoras convidadas para participar: Aline Besouro, Amanda Seraphico, Anis Yaguar, Aya Ibeji, Cali Nassar, Consuelo Bassanesi e Marcela Fauth / Vem pra Luta Amada, Dri Simões, Ella Franz Rafa, Lanchonete <> Lanchonete, Lara Lima, Maria Palmerio, Mariana Paraizo, Mayara Velozo, Sabine Passareli, Sofia Skmma, Tapixi Guajajara, Yuki Hayashi / Fudida Silk. As cozinha ficou a cargo da KuzinhaNem, projeto de formação gastronômica vegana da Casa Nem. Outras edições da Feira Mina Mana Mona irão acontecer ao longo de 2022.

New items in Compa – Women’s Archive


In 2020 Despina was awarded the subsidy provided for the Lei Aldir Blanc, aimed at the maintenance of artistic and cultural spaces that had their activities interrupted due to social isolation measures. In return, we had planned five workshops in municipal schools when they reopened. At that moment, we imagined that in a few months this would be possible. Given the lack of control of the pandemic in the country, we had to adapt our counterpart to the digital format.

In this scenario, we propose the insertion of entries by activist artists in Compa – Women’s Archive. These items are the embryo of a survey that we intend to carry out throughout 2022, mapping the activist artists active in the country. In this initial and embryonic stage, we are going to introduce seven artivists who work in multiple languages. We would like to thank Ana Lira, Indianarae Siqueira, Juliana Notari, Lara Lima, Marcela Fauth, Maya Inbar and Sabine Passareli for the material – and for their activism!


Content produced as a counterpart to Inciso II da Lei Aldir Blanc, Prefeitura Municipal do Rio de Janeiro/Secretaria Municipal de Cultura, Secretaria Especial de Cultura/ Ministério do Turismo e Governo Federal.

Occupational Therapy Collective

Sabine Passareli
09.09.2021 - 30.09.2021

“Occupational Therapy Collective” is an open, ephemeral, intersectoral and interdisciplinary group proposed by artist and therapist Sabine Passareli. The meetings will take place every Thursday of September.

How to disappear? How to reappear? How to join a group? How to break up with a group? These are some of the issues that will be addressed in a democratic, informal space.

Free participation, use of mask essential. Interested parties must bring materials for the production of individual sketchbooks.

All welcome!


Compa – Women’s Archive

2020 - 2021

Compa – Women’s Archive is the first Brazilian digital archive totally dedicated to the memory, herstories, struggles, achievements, initiatives, micropolitics and daily revolutions of women and the feminist movement in the country.

The archive aims to map, retrieve and make publicly available collections of t-shirts, zines, pamphlets, flags, posters, chants, poetry, bottoms, scarves, manifestos and other objects and memorabilia that document, articulate and elaborate transdisciplinarily the ongoing narratives and struggles.

The archive collection is built on two fronts:

Research and curatorial work in which we invite women and initiatives that operate in different fields of action to participate in the effort to document these memories.
Collective construction based on the autonomous engagement of organisations, collectives, women’s movements, activists and independent feminists who want to collaborate, making their collections and materials available directly in the archive.
Compa is a project by Despina in collaboration with Lanchonete Lanchonete and its implementation (phase I) was funded by the International Relief Fund of the German Federal Foreign Office, the Goethe-Institut and other partners: www.goethe.de/relieffund.

Compa (short for “companheira”, an affectionate term used between allies in activism) was conceived following three conceptual pillars:

1 – The concept of “history from below”, that looks at history through the perspective of ordinary, oppressed, non-conformist people and marginalized groups, recognizing and recording reports and conflicts that escape the hegemonic narrative of dominant groups;

2 – The intersectional feminism perspective, which understands oppressions through layers that include gender, race, class, age, religion and other issues;

3 – The recognition of collectivity as a revolutionary and necessary field of action to imagine other possible worlds and to redefine the dominant excludenting logic.

Senado Tomado #13

Friday, 28.02.2020

SENADO TOMADO #13 – Despina´s open studio event


Andressa Cantergiani, Roberta Vaz, Adrien Pelletier, Ana Bial and Francisco Luis Brandão.

Rua do Senado, 271 – Centro. Free entry.


Anderson Oliveira
Guilherme Altmayer
Keyna Eleison
Leno Veras
Victor Gorgulho

Performance “Colapso dos Sentidos”
Andressa Cantergiani and Roberta Vaz
Photo: Angelix

Pictures Gallery (horizontal scrolling)

Senado Tomado #12

Quinta, 28.11.2019

Convidamos todxs para a nossa última noite de ateliês abertos de 2019 – SENADO TOMADO #12 – que acontece na próxima quinta-feira, dia 28 de novembro, a partir das 19 horas.

Para esta edição festiva, preparamos uma mostra especial que marca o encerramento da residência dos artistas Mark Hilton, Matei Vogel, Mégane Voghell e Stine Kvam.

Reunindo pinturas, desenhos, objetos e vídeo, a mostra apresenta o resultado de um processo de imersão na prática em ateliê, que contou com o suporte curatorial de Dani Mattos, Keyna Eleison, Raphael Fonseca, Victor Gorgulho; e acompanhamento do artista Pablo Ferretti.

Além da mostra, destacamos a fala do curador Per Brunskog, que também participou do nosso programa de residências. Brunskog irá conversar com o público sobre a sua trajetória e apresentar suas pesquisas mais recentes.

No térreo, os ateliês dxs artistas associadxs à Despina estarão abertos à visitação pública – venha conhecer os trabalhos mais recentes de Ana Clara Mattoso, Carol Medeiros, Daniela Vasconcellos, Lara Lima, Laura Lydia, Luiz Arthur Ribeiro, Pablo Ferretti, Paula Santos e Sarah Knill-jones.

E nas carrapetas, os dj’s Carol Medeiros e Frederico Pellachin trazem uma seleção fina, provocativa e dançante.

Esperamos vocês!

Estamos na Rua do Senado, 271 – Centro.

Entrada gratuita


A residência de Mégane Voghell contou com o suporte do Conseil des arts de Montréal, e é fruto de uma parceria entre a Despina e o centro canadense de arte Diagonale.


Strange Bodies

August 2019

“Strange bodies” is a project in the field of arts and aesthetic-political activism designed to promote visibility, empowerment and self-representation of young artists in conditions of vulnerability, among them are trans, non- binary, indigenous and black artists. This project was conceived as a reaction to the murder of artist Matheusa Passareli and from our permanent indignation at violence against bodies historically subjected to violations of rights and precarious conditions. During the month of August 2019, Despina will become a center for coexistence and collective activation, with a residency programme and a public agenda that includes talks and workshops.

The Residency Programme offers:

  • A collective studio for 4 artists living in the city of Rio de Janeiro (selection process in course*)
  • Curatorial support (individual and group meetings)
  • Weekly meetings to follow up projects
  • Administrative and logistic support
  • Perdiem (BRL 1500 per artist/per month)
  • Production grant (BRL 500 per artist)
  • Final show to present the works and researches developed by the artists during the residence

After an open call held in April and May, our Selection Committee worked on the analysis of the applications received, based on the diversity of bodies and subjectivities, as well as the affinity of the proposals with the concept of the project. The selected artists to participate in the residency program are: Agrippina R. Manhattan, Igor Bahia, Jade Maria Zimbra and Linda Marina.

For more information about the artists (in Portuguese only), click here.

This project was conceived by Despina in collaboration with Gabe Passareli. It’s financed through a donation organized by Alexander and Chantal Maljers-van Erven Dorens, in tribute to Matheusa Passareli, who participated in the Bison Caravan project in Rio de Janeiro in 2017.


by Frederico Pellachin

Gallery 1 > Processes, workshops, activities (horizontal scrolling)

Gallery 2 > Strange Encounters // Closing party (horizontal scrolling)

Gallery 3 > Workshop “Strange bodies in the city” in partnership with MAR – Museu de Arte do Rio (horizontal scrolling)


Solvente | Immersive workshop

01.09.2019 - 30.09.2019

SOLVENTE proposes a month-long immersion in the painting universe with studio practice, individual follow-up meetings and group activities. It’s designed for painters interested in deepening their personal research and their practice.

SOLVENT includes:

– Studio space at Despina between 1 – 30 September, Mondays to Fridays, from 10am to 7pm. Tables and chairs will be provided, as well as space facilities (wifi, library, shared kitchen with a large sink, bathrooms with shower). Each participant must bring their own painting materials.

– Two weekly follow-up meetings with artist Pablo Ferretti (individually scheduled between 10:00 and 19:00).

– Collective meetings on Wednesdays, 15:00 (September 4, 11, 18 and 25).

– Final show at Despina (September 27th).

Enrolment: R$ 480 in cash or 2 x R$ 250 on credit card.

How to apply: Send an email to courses@despina.org with the title “Solvente 2019” + full name + contact phone + minibio.

Period: 1 – 30 September

pablo_ferretti_site_cursosPablo Ferretti is graduated in Painting from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil (2001), with a Masters Degree in Painting from the Royal College of Art, London, England (2006-08). He also colaborates with Despina Residency Programme.