Strange Bodies

August 2019

“Strange bodies” is a project in the field of arts and aesthetic-political activism designed to promote visibility, empowerment and self-representation of young artists in conditions of vulnerability, among them are trans, non- binary, indigenous and black artists. This project was conceived as a reaction to the murder of artist Matheusa Passareli and from our permanent indignation at violence against bodies historically subjected to violations of rights and precarious conditions. During the month of August 2019, Despina will become a center for coexistence and collective activation, with a residency programme and a public agenda that includes talks and workshops.

The Residency Programme offers:

  • A collective studio for 4 artists living in the city of Rio de Janeiro (selection process in course*)
  • Curatorial support (individual and group meetings)
  • Weekly meetings to follow up projects
  • Administrative and logistic support
  • Perdiem (BRL 1500 per artist/per month)
  • Production grant (BRL 500 per artist)
  • Final show to present the works and researches developed by the artists during the residence

After an open call held in April and May, our Selection Committee worked on the analysis of the applications received, based on the diversity of bodies and subjectivities, as well as the affinity of the proposals with the concept of the project. The selected artists to participate in the residency program are: Agrippina R. Manhattan, Igor Bahia, Jade Maria Zimbra and Linda Marina.

For more information about the artists (in Portuguese only), click here.

This project was conceived by Despina in collaboration with Gabe Passareli. It’s financed through a donation organized by Alexander and Chantal Maljers-van Erven Dorens, in tribute to Matheusa Passareli, who participated in the Bison Caravan project in Rio de Janeiro in 2017.


by Frederico Pellachin

Gallery 1 > Processes, workshops, activities (horizontal scrolling)

Gallery 2 > Strange Encounters // Closing party (horizontal scrolling)

Gallery 3 > Workshop “Strange bodies in the city” in partnership with MAR – Museu de Arte do Rio (horizontal scrolling)