Anderson Oliveira

Curators in Residence
02.01.2020 - 31.03.2020

Lives and works in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Works as an art educator and researcher at the intersection of art, education and public policies. In addition, he dedicates himself to his master’s degree in Public Policy and Human Formation at Rio de Janeiro State University (UERJ), investigating Public Art and the memory of the Experimental Unit at the Museum of Modern Art of Rio de Janeiro (MAM-Rio) in the 1960-70. Among the most recent works, we highlight the following: collective curatorship of the exhibition A Utopia do Não, at Paço Imperial (2019); the experience in the art education team of the exhibitions Luzes do Leblon (2019), Brincadeira de Criança and Glauco Rodrigues e os arredores da Praça XV (2018); the experience in monitoring at the course Laboratório de pesquisa e prática de Texto em Arte at Escola de Artes Visuais do Parque Lage, EAV (2019).

During his residency at Despina, Anderson intends to meet with local curators and educators to explore the relationship between experimentalism, contemporary art and its pedagogical power in order to think of new singularities, groups, laboratories and the creation of emancipatory curatorial practices for the development of educational programs in/with museums.

More information
Instagram: @andernauka

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