Lara Lima

Lives and works in Rio de Janeiro. Graduated in Textile from the School of Fine Arts – UFRJ and postgraduated in Methodology of Arts Teaching from UNICESUMAR, her background also includes courses in photomontage, photo-journalism, engraving and other media at Ateliê da Imagem and at EAV – Parque Lage. She works as an artist and activist in the city where she lives.

Through photography, video and other media, Lima carries out copyright work and records the process of ongoing struggles in the city, conflicts that appear reflected directly in her work. The use of art as a pedagogical and therapeutic tool is also her object of study. She also leads workshops on video-art and animation for young people and children who live in the Baixada Fluminense area. Currently, she is researching about the place of women in the arts world.

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