Romy Pocztaruk

Artists in Residence
01.07.2017 - 31.07.2017

Lives and works in Porto Alegre, Brazil. She holds a master’s degree in Visual Poetics from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). Pocztaruk’s photography and video works deal with simulations and the positions from which the artist interacts with different places.

She has held solo exhibitions at the CDF Centro de Fotografia de Montevideo (2016), Centro Cultural São Paulo (2015), SIM Gallery (2014), Galeria Gestual (2014) and Goethe Institute of Porto Alegre (2013). Among the collective exhibitions: Uma coleção particular (2015), Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil; Telón De Fondo (2015), Backroom Caracas (in partnership with  Fundação Cisneros), Venezuela; 31ª Bienal de São Paulo (2014); BRICS (2014), Oi Futuro Flamengo, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Convite à Viagem – Rumos Artes Visuais (2011-13), Itaú Cultural, São Paulo/Rio de Janeiro/Goiânia, Brazil; 9ª Bienal do Mercosul (2013), Porto Alegre, Brasil; Region 0 – The Latino Video Art Festival of New York (2013), Nova York; 64º Salão Paranaense (2012),  Museu de Arte Contemporânea do Paraná, Curitiba, Brazil; Prêmio Diário Contemporâneo de Fotografia (2012), Casa das Onze Janelas, Belém do Pará, Brazil; Percursos Simulados(2011), Paço das Artes, São Paulo, Brazil; Simulated Pathways (2011), Skalitzer 140, Berlim, Germany. She has also taken part in artist residence programmes in China (Sunhoo Creatives in Residency), Germany. Berlim (Takt Kunstprojektraum), Instituto Sacatar (Bahia, Brazil) and New York (Bronx Museum), sponsored by the Iberê Camargo grant for artist residencies. Also participated in residences in the Bronx Museum (New York), funded by Bolsa Iberê Camargo; China (Sunhoo Creatives in Residency), Berlin (Takt Kunstprojektraum) and Instituto Sacatar in Bahia.

In 2016, Romy was awarded by Premio Foco Bradesco ArtRio with a residence at Despina in Rio de Janeiro. During her stay in Rio, she continued a project on the Brazilian secret nuclear program, exploring historical archives and research materials.

Photo Gallery (horizontel scrolling)