Art and Activism in Latin America Conference at Casa França-Brasil

What's On
Friday, 21.10.2017

Art and Activism in Latin America – year I (2016)

Despina, Prince Claus Fund, State of Rio de Janeiro Culture Department, Casa França-Brasil, UERJ Arts Institute and Concinnitas Magazine are pleased to invite everyone to the ART AND ACTIVISM  IN LATIN AMERICA CONFERENCE, which will bring together artists Jesus Bubu Negrón (Puerto Rico), Crack Rodriguez (El Salvador) and Luciana Magno (Pará, Brazil) for a special talk at Casa França-Brasil next Friday, 21 October, at 6 pm.

This conference aims to discuss art and activism from the perspective of the street as a political arena and territory of cultural resistance through artistic research and the multiple tools used by the three guest artists and activists.

In this moment of worsening political tensions, in Brazil and in the world, the borders between art and activism are increasingly tenuous and the territories of action increasingly shared. In the same way, geographic territories dissolve in the face of questions that cross zones and countries and are established at the heart of discussions about the future of humanity itself. In this sense, building bridges (so that we can look at the other) serves not only to better understand this complex concept of “Latin America”, but also, and especially, to see, through the political trajectories of other countries and regions, with a little more of clarity to our own history and contradictions.

Organized by Alexandre Sá and Despina



Conference Art and Activism in Latin America
With artists: Jesus Bubu Negrón, Crack Rodriguez and Luciana Magno
Mediators: Alexandre Sá, Bernardo José de Souza e Consuelo Bassanesi
When: 21 October, Friday
Where: Casa França-Brasil (Rua Visconde de Itaboraí, 78 – Centro)
Time: 6 pm
Free asdmission


ART AND ACTIVISM IN LATIN AMERICA is a project conceived by Despina, with the support from the Dutch organization Prince Claus Fund. The project extends for three years (2016, 2017 and 2018). Each year, a theme guided a series of actions and events, including occupations, workshops, talks, film screenings, exhibitions, public talks with important names from the contemporary artistic + activist thought and a residency programme. For this first edition, the theme is Public Space. For more information, click here.


“La Inclinacion” (performance)
Crack Rodriguez, El Salvador, 2015
Photo: The Fire Theory