Art and Activism in Latin America – year II (2017)
“Os corpos são as obras” – gran finale at Turma OK
When: 04 August
Time: 7 pm (meeting point at Despina and then walking to Turma OK – Lapa)
Rua Luis de Camões, 2 – Sobrado – Centro
In this edition:
Navalha: Manicure Show #2 Tornar-se Navalha
– part of the events of the exhibition “Os corpos são as obras”
Find out more information here.
Residencies Final Show / Open Studios
with Ana Zegarra (Peru), Romy Pocztaruk (Brazil) e Shachaf Predilailo (Israel).
When: 27 July, Thursday, 7 pm
Where: Despina | Largo das Artes
Rua Luis de Camões, 2 – Sobrado
Centro – Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Free admission
Arte do e-flyer: Frederico Pellachin
Art and Activism in Latin America – year II (2017)
Navalha: Manicure Show #2 Tornar-se Navalha
(part of the activities of the exhibition “The bodies are the works”)
When: Thursday, 27 July, at 7 pm
Where: Despina
Free admission
ART AND ACTIVISM IN LATIN AMERICA is a project conceived by Despina, with the support from the Dutch organization Prince Claus Fund. The project extends for three years (2016, 2017 and 2018). Each year, a theme guided a series of actions and events, including occupations, workshops, talks, film screenings, exhibitions, public talks with important names from the contemporary artistic + activist thought and a residency programme. For this second edition, the theme is Body. For more information, click here.
Art and Activism in Latin America – year II (2017)
Undoing queer caravel in the afterlife of colonialism
The particular emergency context of a queer canon in Brazil cannot be conceived apart from an analytical viewpoint concerning the coloniality of knowledge, that underlines what the chilean thinker, performer and activist Hija de Perra once described as a simultaneously colonising of “our third world poor aspiration south-american context” that disturbs the “individuals enchanted by heteronormativity”. If queer colonizes disturbing, it is because it adheres to a historical process in which the foundation of the colonialist political-body project, that predicates the universality of the White european heteronormative subject (its knowledge, politics, performance and anthology), collapses. But what is the point of queer disruptions in the colonized context of the world we know as Brazil (ex-colony, neo-colony, post-colony?) and in what measure, once it proliferates globally, the queer canons do not re-structure the colonial caravels’ logic – serving as support and inscription plan of the ghosts of colonialism on the immediate presence of the collapse of the colony? How to perform and contemplate the genre disobedience and sexual dissents witout reestructuring elitist logics that re-stage the colonial situation? How to deassemble the queer caravel? And how to bring to light the body-politics capable of overcoming life after the death of colonialism and the White, hetero and one genre supremacy, towards other forms of existing, experiencing and making the world.
JOTA MOMBAÇA is a non-binary queer artist, born and raised in the Northeast of Brazil. Writer, performer and a scholar academic around the relations between monstruosity and humanity, kuir studies, decolonial spins, political intersectionality, anti-colonial justice, violence redistribution, visionary fiction and tensions between ethics, aesthetics, arts and politics in the production of knowledge of the globalized South. Current Works are the colaboration with the Politics Imagination Workshop (São Paulo) and the artistic residence together with Capacete 2017 at the 14th Documenta (Athens/Kassel).
Public talk with Jota Mombaça
part of the activities of Art and Activism in Latin America – year II (2017)
Where: Despina
When: Tuesday, 8 August
Time: 7 pm
Free admission
ART AND ACTIVISM IN LATIN AMERICA is a project conceived by Despina, with the support from the Dutch organization Prince Claus Fund. The project extends for three years (2016, 2017 and 2018). Each year, a theme guided a series of actions and events, including occupations, workshops, talks, film screenings, exhibitions, public talks with important names from the contemporary artistic + activist thought and a residency programme. For this second edition, the theme is Body. For more information, click here.
Talk with artist and NLS – Jamaica director Deborah Anzinger
Guest curator: Raphael Fonseca
When: 6th July, Thursday at 7 pm
Where: Despina | Largo das Artes
Rua Luis de Camões, 2 – Sobrado
Centro – Rio de Janeiro
Free admission
Art and Activism in Latin America – year II (2017)
Post-porn Cine Club + talk
(part of the activities of the exhibition “The bodies are the works”)
When: 4t July, Tuesday from 7:30 to 10:30 pm
Where: Despina
Free admission
ART AND ACTIVISM IN LATIN AMERICA is a project conceived by Despina, with the support from the Dutch organization Prince Claus Fund. The project extends for three years (2016, 2017 and 2018). Each year, a theme guided a series of actions and events, including occupations, workshops, talks, film screenings, exhibitions, public talks with important names from the contemporary artistic + activist thought and a residency programme. For this second edition, the theme is Body. For more information, click here.
Art and Activism in Latin America – year II (2017)
Performance / Maiêutica, with Raquel Mützenberg
When: Tuesday, 4th July, from 4 to 5 pm
Where: Largo São Francisco – Centro
ART AND ACTIVISM IN LATIN AMERICA is a project conceived by Despina, with the support from the Dutch organization Prince Claus Fund. The project extends for three years (2016, 2017 and 2018). Each year, a theme guided a series of actions and events, including occupations, workshops, talks, film screenings, exhibitions, public talks with important names from the contemporary artistic + activist thought and a residency programme. For this second edition, the theme is Body. For more information, click here.
In this edition:
Opening of the exhibition
“Os corpos são as obras”
Curators: Guilherme Altmayer and Pablo León de la Barra
Participants: Andiara Ramos, Ana Matheus Abbade, Aleta Valente, Anitta Boa Vida, Bruna Kury, Camila Puni, Carlos Motta, Coletivo Xica Manicongo, Eduardo Kac, Fabiana Faleiros, Fabio Coelho, FROZEN2000, Gabriel Junqueira, Kleper Reis, Lampião da Esquina, Lyz Parayzo, Maurício Magagnin, Matheus Passareli, Nathalia Gonçales, Odaraya Mello, Raquel Mützenberg, Ricardo Càstro, Tertuliana Lustosa, Turma Ok, Uhura Bqueer, Vagner Coelho, Ventura Profana & Jhonatta Vicente, Victor Arruda, Vinicius Rosa, Vítor Franco e Xanayanna Relux. Exhibition continues until 4th August and is part of the activities of the second edition of our Art and Activism in Latin America. Find out more here.
Despina Residency Programme final show
with Lyz Parayzo and Rafael Bqueer
Fina Estirpe DJ Ensemble
with dj Frederico Pellachin.
When: 27th June, Tuesday, 7 pm
Where: Despina | Largo das Artes
Rua Luis de Camões, 2 – Sobrado
Centro – Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Free admission
E-flyer (design): Frederico Pellachin
Credit of the image in the e-flyer: José Eduardo Zepka
Art and Activism in Latin America – year I (2016)
Despina, Prince Claus Fund, State of Rio de Janeiro Culture Department, Casa França-Brasil, UERJ Arts Institute and Concinnitas Magazine are pleased to invite everyone to the ART AND ACTIVISM IN LATIN AMERICA CONFERENCE, which will bring together artists Jesus Bubu Negrón (Puerto Rico), Crack Rodriguez (El Salvador) and Luciana Magno (Pará, Brazil) for a special talk at Casa França-Brasil next Friday, 21 October, at 6 pm.
This conference aims to discuss art and activism from the perspective of the street as a political arena and territory of cultural resistance through artistic research and the multiple tools used by the three guest artists and activists.
In this moment of worsening political tensions, in Brazil and in the world, the borders between art and activism are increasingly tenuous and the territories of action increasingly shared. In the same way, geographic territories dissolve in the face of questions that cross zones and countries and are established at the heart of discussions about the future of humanity itself. In this sense, building bridges (so that we can look at the other) serves not only to better understand this complex concept of “Latin America”, but also, and especially, to see, through the political trajectories of other countries and regions, with a little more of clarity to our own history and contradictions.
Organized by Alexandre Sá and Despina
Conference Art and Activism in Latin America
With artists: Jesus Bubu Negrón, Crack Rodriguez and Luciana Magno
Mediators: Alexandre Sá, Bernardo José de Souza e Consuelo Bassanesi
When: 21 October, Friday
Where: Casa França-Brasil (Rua Visconde de Itaboraí, 78 – Centro)
Time: 6 pm
Free asdmission
ART AND ACTIVISM IN LATIN AMERICA is a project conceived by Despina, with the support from the Dutch organization Prince Claus Fund. The project extends for three years (2016, 2017 and 2018). Each year, a theme guided a series of actions and events, including occupations, workshops, talks, film screenings, exhibitions, public talks with important names from the contemporary artistic + activist thought and a residency programme. For this first edition, the theme is Public Space. For more information, click here.
“La Inclinacion” (performance)
Crack Rodriguez, El Salvador, 2015
Photo: The Fire Theory
Art and Activism in Latin America – year I (2016)
On October 17, 18 and 19, artists in residency Crack Rodriguez, Luciana Magno and Jesus Bubu Negrón will coordinate workshops open to the public at Despina. The goal is to promote inter-cultural dialogue as well as to create networks between artists and the local audience. Follow below more information about each workshop. If you want to participate, send an email to + full name and contact phone number. Don’t forget to inform us the workshops you would like to attend.
17.10 – Monday
Led by Luciana Magno
This workshop invites all participants to take part in a participatory action game that seeks to subvert electoral marketing techniques. Experimental exercises will be carried out to create inventive political discourses (slightly based on the “wonderful world” that marketing people create) with surreal goal developments and unfulfilled campaign strategies for utopian fictional characters. From the discourse elaborated collectively, actions, games and strategies will be devised to take our utopias to the heights.
When: 17 October
Time: 2 – 6 pm
Where: Despina
Number of participants: 10
18.10 – Tuesday
Led by Crack Rodriguez
The purpose of this workshop is to share awareness and “fearlessness” techniques through physical exercises. The idea is to try to reflect on educational spaces, try to teach how to protect ourselves from the symbols that undermine our right to learn and try to materialize the coup that has been modifying government policies aimed at low-income students in Brazil.
When: 18 October
Time: 2 – 6 pm
Where: Despina
Number of participants: 15
19.10 – Wednesday
Led by Jesus Bubu Negròn
This workshop consists of demonstrating and enacting one of the strategies used by a group of young activists from a community base in Puerto Rico called the PDT Brigade. These young people use the “meme” as a tool for expressing and transmitting positive messages that serve to raise collective self-esteem and promote social and community empowerment through traditional methods and / or techniques of communication. The PDT Brigade is an activist group that operates as a community-based collective. Formed mostly by young people from the neighborhood of Puerta de Tierra, in the capital San Juan, Puerto Rico, their members are against gentrification and work together to rescue their neighborhood, their history and their people. More information:
When: 19 October
Time: 2 – 6 pm
Where: Despina
Number of participants: 15
ART AND ACTIVISM IN LATIN AMERICA is a project conceived by Despina, with the support from the Dutch organization Prince Claus Fund. The project extends for three years (2016, 2017 and 2018). Each year, a theme guided a series of actions and events, including occupations, workshops, talks, film screenings, exhibitions, public talks with important names from the contemporary artistic + activist thought and a residency programme. For this first edition, the theme is Public Space. For more information, click here.