Marcela Fauth

Artists in Residence
01.07.2018 - 31.08.2018

Born in Porto Alegre (Rio Grande do Sul), lives and works in Rio de Janeiro. Fauth holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Visual Arts with a specialization in Costume Design from SENAI-CETIQT/RJ and a Degree in Sewing and Modeling from SENAI/RS. She has participated in the Contemporary Art Foundation Course at Parque Lage School of Visual Arts (EAV). She is the author of the book “That was not there”, published by Casa 27 in 2015, and is, currently, an activist in the feminist collective “Vem pra luta amada”.

Her artistic practice takes shape day-to-day, in the investigation of tasks and work processes, in the symbologies present in the development of actions and in her own positioning before the world, as a woman, as a worker and as an artist. In addition to addressing issues related to the feminine universe and the expression of the anguish of this genre in her work, Fauth also seeks a deep problematization of themes such as self-image / self-representation, alterity, body and its unfolding in the sociocultural and political context of the contemporary world, among others, always placing the performative body as the main support. Photography, video, poetry, print-making, text, clothing and installation have been used by the artist as forms of recording the experiences of the sentimental-body, the passage and the impermanences of time.

During the period of her residence at Despina, the artist continued her research on Performance and Femininity, proposing a dialogue with several women in a process of collective creation.

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Pictures Gallery (horizontal scrolling)
by Frederico Pellachin